My name is Leaphy Khim and I am a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, stunt woman, actress, fitness model and trainer. I was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Cambodian genocide survivors. At a very young age I was taught the importance of my culture, language, and traditions. I was raised to be strong, independent, and self sufficient. My parents valued education and relentlessly drilled into my head to be the best at anything I wished to pursue in life.

Leaphy Khim, Stunt Woman.
For 8 years I was enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. My proudest achievement during my service was when I was deployed with a military joint task force in aid of a humanitarian project in Macaracas, Panama. I helped with the construction of multiple classrooms and community centers for a small village.

Leaphy Khim is also an actress, fitness model and trainer.
Today, I remain passionate in helping people from all walks of life. I am energetic, highly motivated, and hard working, with a strong commitment to enabling people to lead healthy lives. I offer martial arts and stunt training. And instruct basic self defense classes for women. In addition, I help military veterans by connecting them with benefits, resources, counseling, and link them with different community organizations.
In 10 years I hope to build my own family and pass on my Khmer traditions to the next generation, as well as mastering my craft in stunts and remain active with the military community.